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Conservation Commission Minutes - 03/24/2011

     Minutes of Meeting
March 24, 2011

To:  Town Clerk
cc:   Members

Present:  A. Tolland, J. Fournier, M. Allen, R. Willis, J. Livingstone, R. Harrold,
Absent:  C. Botchis, Nick Alfieri, Conservation Agent

There was a motion to accept the minutes of the March 10th, 2011 meeting.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-1; 5 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstention.

Chairman & Commission Comments
The Commission Chairman has polled the Commission members regarding their preference on the best night to conduct site walks and Tuesday nights were decided the best choice.

The Chairman also stated that Mr. Fred Wise, owner of 880 West Central Street, is interested in what he can do with his property.  The Commission will meet with him on Tuesday, April 5th at 6 p.m.

The Chairman informed the Commission members that the DPW has requested to conduct some emergency work on Spring Street to clear brush from the culvert as the street was flooding.  The Chairman authorized the DPW to conduct this work on an emergency basis.

The Chairman asked the Commission members if they would like to have a short-term fill-in Agent as Mr. Alfieri will be out of the office for an undetermined time.  This matter will be taken up at a later time.

Continued - Public Hearing – Request for Determination – Lot 13/39 Opal Circle – Steven Narducci
Mr. Russ Waldron, representative of Applied Ecological Sciences, and Mr. Steven Narducci, the applicant, both appeared before the Commission for tree removal and minor grading work.

The Chairman stated that at the recent site walk:

  • the Commission was in favor of the bounds
  • there was no dissent regarding the number of trees to be removed
  • filing of RFD vs. NOI was discussed
  • shrubs to be placed at the limit of work
  • erosion control at the limit of work
  • seed-bearing waddles
  • shrub plantings along the edge of work
Mr. Waldron gave the Commission members an overview of the revised plans with changes requested at the site walk and Mr. Alfieri’s comments as well have been addressed.

There was a motion to close the hearing.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

There was a motion to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability subject to the standard conditions and 3 additional conditions.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote
of 6-0-0.

Enforcement:  92 Stewart Street
The Chairman informed the Commission that a site walk should be conducted at this property as there is an alleged violation.  It will be conducted on Tuesday, April 5th at 6:30 p.m.

Enforcement:  887 Lincoln Street
The Chairman informed the Commisson that there is an alleged violation at this site.  A site walk will be conducted on Tuesday, March 29th at 6 p.m.

Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 112 Populatic Street – Clancy – CE159-1012
Mr. Bill Halsing, Engineer of Land Planning, and Mr. Paul Clancy, the applicant, both appeared before the Commission for the construction of a single-family house.

The Chairman gave an overview of the issues discussed at the recent site walk as well as the recommendations given to the applicant by the Commissioners.

There was an issue brought up at the site walk regarding oriental bittersweet, an invasive planting observed at the site.  It was also discussed removing the soil and bittersweet above the retaining wall to keep it from growing elsewhere.

The Commission requested that Mr. Halsing update the plans to address the concerns found at the site walk.

Mr. Halsing stated that the applicant would be willing to have a permanent condition to remove the bittersweet on the lower side; Mr. Clancy will keep it trimmed and not remove any soils.

There was a motion to continue the public hearing until April 7th.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Discussion:  Crossing Plaza – 326 Union Street
The Commission Chairman informed the Commission that the owner would like to repave the parking lot.  There are 2 streams approximately 20 ft. from the property and would like to know if he should file a NOI, an RFD, or MBZA.

The Commission came to the consensus that if the work is only for a topcoat, an RFD should be filed, if it is a full paving i.e., pulling up the existing pavement, then a NOI would be required.  Some stormwater improvements may be required as well.  The applicant should speak with the Town Engineer, Mr. Bill Yadisernia, regarding this issue.

Discussion:  Camp Haiastan – Uncas Pond
The Commission Chairman informed the Commission that Camp Haiastan has previously had an Order of Conditions to perform hydroraking at the pond which has expired.  The applicant inquired as to what type of filing would be required to do hydroraking this year i.e., if they need to refile a Notice of Intent.

The Commission members came to a consensus that they should file a new Notice of Intent for the hydroraking work at Uncas Pond.

Public Hearing – Request for Determination – 5 Parmenter Way – Melmed
Mr. Richard Goodreau, Engineer of United Consultants, and Mr. Andrew Melmed, the applicant, both appeared before the Commission for the removal of existing sunroom and construction of addition.  

Mr. Goodreau gave the Commission an overview of the project plans which consists of a
16 ft.x18 ft. three-season room in the place of the existing sunroom.  The proposed addition will be constructed on sono tubes with a roof recharge system.  Mr. Goodreau stated that compost sock will be used for erosion control purposes.  The addition will be located approximately 65 ft. from the BVW.  Photographs of the site were distributed among Commission members and added to the file.

The Commission Chairman asked Mr. Goodreau where the construction equipment will be located.  There will be a dumpster located in the driveway during the construction work and then removed from the site.

A Commission member requested that the applicant excavate under the envelope of the new addition and backfill with crushed stone.

There was a motion to issue a Negative Determination for 5 Parmenter Way with the conditions that the applicant extend the crushed stone to the extent of the proposed structure, the work be done according to the plan, the Agent be notified before and after the work is completed.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Lot 43 Spring Street – DePoto – CE159-1013
Ms. Regan Harrold, Conservation Commission member, recused herself from this public hearing.

Mr. Patrick Doherty, Engineer of Midpoint Engineering, Mr. Mark DePoto & Mr. Chris DePoto, the applicants, all appeared before the Commission for the construction of a single-family house.

Mr. Doherty gave the Commission an overview of the history of the site, which previously had an Order of Conditions issued in 2003 and had 3 extensions granted which have expired.

Mr. Doherty also gave the Commission a detailed overview of the plans for the project.

The site contains several resource areas including a perennial stream with associated BVW and riverfront area.

There is a 26’x40’ house to be constructed with impervious driveway.  There are 4 trees to be removed in front of the proposed house.

A functions and characteristics analysis are included in the filing.

The Chairman stated that he reviewed the plans and haybales are depicted and the Commission would prefer compost socks or waddles for erosion control purposes.  He also noted a few comments on the plans to be addressed by Mr. Doherty.

A Commission member informed the applicant that the wetland flags are too old and the site needs to be reflagged between A12 and A16.

Another Commission member questioned roof recharge for the site and requested that the applicant review it and provide an update at the next meeting.

The Commission members will conduct a site walk on Tuesday, March 29th at 6 p.m.

There was a motion to continue the public hearing for Lot 43 Spring Street until April 7th.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-1; 5 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstention.


        Discussion:  Partridge Street – DPW
        Mr. Ray Willis, Commission member, recused himself from this discussion.
        Mr. Carlos Rebelo of the DPW has contacted the Conservation Department and stated       that they need to remove a section of the guardrail near Shepard’s Brook on Partridge   Street and put  in a jersey barrier temporarily until the work can be permanently done  next summer.    Mr. Rebelo has inquired as to what filing is required by the Commission in      order to perform this work.

        The Commission members stated that an RFD should be filed for a temporary fix and a     Notice of Intent for permanent repair.  If the situation is a true emergency, they should       contact the Chairman for a resolution to the issue.

        Discussion:  Geocaching on Conservation Land
        The Commission Chairman stated that a resident has contacted the Conservation Dept.     inquiring if there is a policy on whether geocaching is allowed on Conservation land.   The Commission does not have a policy on this matter.  The Commission approves of       this resident geocaching on Conservation property.  The Conservation Dept. will notify  the resident.

Signed Determination of Applicability
Determination of Applicability (Negative) 39 Opal Circle – Steven Narducci

There was a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.  
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Celorier
Conservation Secretary